Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Prelim Evaluation Questions

1) Who helped in your production and how did you manage/direct them? 

I planned and edited all of my prelim task however I had the help of some friends and colleagues to help assist me during the filming process. As a vast number of clips were required to be shot to then be cut and clipped into the correct place. Various individuals gave me there opinion on various shots that  I completed and suggested how I could improve them to benefit my music video and process/experience all together. 

2) How did you plan your sequence? What processes did you use? 

I planned my sequence through shot by shot analysis from the original music video, allowing me to analyse the editing techniques and camera shots. The continuous varied green screen background caused me to used various green screen backgrounds and effects to mimic the music video and create an accurate example.

3) What technology did you use to complete the task, and how did you use it (effects/transitions)?

I filmed all my footage on my iPhone 8 plus to create a good quality for the video, it also all created a sense of repeatability when editing all of my footage which caused no difference in quality or camera alteration. The program we edited on was Premier Pro, this editing software allowed me to collaboration all the clips that I had filmed to cut and edit each clip to there correct length and part in the song. I added various subtle transitions and effects to layer over my video and other existing layers.

4) What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting and editing? 

Factors such as having sufficient footage, so generally over filming allowing me to edit the clips rather than have to squeeze in unnecessary clips to try and make up for the scene or potentially to refilm which would cause a massive delay in the whole process. When editing patience was the key as moving or clipping one clip then effects the rest of the video therefore over time the video would be completed.

5) How successful was your music video/tv drama/magazine copy? Please identify what worked well, and with hindsight, what would you improve/do differently? What did others say about your production? 

Overall, I believe my Music video was quite effective due to repetition of key features and effects used in the real music video, such as the green screen background mimicking, however aspects such as the lip sinking were rather poor due to my lack of time able to complete the whole task due to work experience commitments, lack of time filming caused all my clips not to be perfect to match the music video.

6) What have you learnt from completing this task? Looking ahead, how will this learning be significant when completing your NEA, do you think? 

Overall I have learnt that time management is a key aspect to these weighted tasks, as the core of these exercises is to be patient but try and perfect every aspect that is possible to perfect, this consists of consistent filming with the same equipment and editing at the same standard sticking to your plans, deifnantly repeating each clip 2/3 times perfectly to choose the one most suited to the scene. 

7) What are your strengths and weaknesses and what would you like to learn in the future (for eg good at improvising, lighting effects etc) ?

Various editing effects I would like to learn and improve on making my music video feel original and creative rather than sticking with simple effects that are commonly used, my strengths were filming the footage however I would like to improve on lip sinking to make it clear to the viewer and the audience to what I am saying to link with the lyrics. I personally believe that improvising is a key skill also to learn as it creates a natural reaction from the induvial and a sense of originality and purpose as it is often the actions from the gut instinct.

8) Looking at the other group's productions which do you think were most successful and why?

People who had a sufficient plan and were able to fully plan there whole project where the best as they followed their original thoughts rather than not having to think on the spot about what is the most effective spot.

Website Final
