Sunday, October 6, 2019

Statement of Intent

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of your chosen brief?

Throughout my music video I plan to use various aspects of media language to create a Pop music video consisting of themes such as Friendship, heart break and enjoyment. This will then suit the target 16-25-year-old and AB demographic. My fellow colleagues/friends and I will act (creating clear Mise en scene attributes) portraying a narrative mixed with some concept features creating a high-quality hybrid. I am planning to use a mixture of urban and sub-urban environments to create an upper-class setting contrasting to a lower-class representation and creating a clear contrast for all scenes. Dressed in smart shirts and trousers, the main focus would be presenting an upper male in their everyday ‘not so enjoyable life’. My actors and I will present a secluded and isolated lifestyle around the city of London complimented by derelict sub-urban scenery and wildlife. This creates a sense of reliability to the target audience as many pop songs follow themes of heartbreak and friendship completing most conventions through image and video. The use of two distinct locations (Urban and Sub-urban) suggesting my pop themes are extensive, lack a niche directory and one social economic group. Within my plan I am expecting to use the correct codes and conventions to meet these themes and representations. As my song contains a slow yet uplifting beat, I will contrast both high key saturated light with natural/dim lighting to contrast both moods (long distance relationship breakup), narrative and concept ideas with hopefully be portrayed throughout. Most of these conventions will be foreshadowed through the use of video (direct address) and lip syncing. The presentation of my artist will be clear and bold at the start of the video with the logo and brand title, many shots will be present through looking around London as my Artist is new to the country and is ready to deliver a new type of popular pop music. Throughout I will be using a varied shot range and colour to emphasis the impression of a new city which is bright and colourful suggesting new and exciting experiences to come. A colourful and saturated colour scheme will attract my target demographic maintaining a constant interest throughout the entire music video. My character has been inspired through various artists such Drake, Justin Bieber and Ed Sheeran. I will represent a variation of class and gender throughout my video. The variation in gender with help represent the narrative factor that I will incorporate in my music video showing a long distance relationship through the use of flash back cut scenes of grace my female representative. Whilst I present upper/middle class it shows my journey through London showing various ethnicity's and class' having the same work ethic and intent to please loved ones but after all the hard work it doesn't always work out. The gradual view of pictures with me and my female representative show the memories still evident within my artists head and how he misses her. My inter textual approach is playing the Netflix original drama Sex Education on my laptop whilst filming my memory scene of my female representative, this links by the high school dramas and relationship problems portrayed in Miles Away. The use of short and sharp cuts was used to help commemorate the memory/flashback type scenes due to Freddie's recent move to the UK from the US and show the vast distractions to a young aspiring artists in and around London. My overall DRCAGES representations are class and gender. The use of convergence through my website (logo and merchandising) links to the logo on my music video.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Risk Assesment

Travelling and Filming a Music Video

                    ASSESSED BY






My actors and I.               
                     APPROVED BY



potential for harm


reducing the risk level to an acceptable level

Un even cobbles when walking the streets of London.
When filming or being filmed being aware of the surroundings constantly is essential.
Traffic is constant and rapid which puts us at risk at potentially being harmed, when near the road no filming should be allowed.
Equipment being stolen.
When filming in dark and derelict settings there is minimal civilisation and lighting which increases the risk. Staying and filming in groups is required.
Whilst raining, electrocuted by the filming and lighting equipment.
Light rain led us to waiting for the rain to stop to prevent the equipment becoming damaged or dangerous.

Personal Protective Equipment Needed

Provided By


Level of First Aid provision needed


First Aiders


Nearest 24 hour Hospital and/or Doctor

Broomfield A&E

Emergency Telephone Number
999 or 01245 265821


This is a student non-profit production. Footage will only be used for examiner and moderation purposes.
Great Baddow High School, Duffield Road, CM2 9RZ 01245 265821
Any queries please contact Miss Brookes by phone or

Shooting Schedule







Walking down South Bank with other pedestrians and skaters.
8, Me looking round at the different cultures and new experiences.
South Bank
Pedestrians, skaters and I


Browsing through stalls and talking to owners.
10, Slow motion shots to capture happiness and excitement of new experiences.
Spital Field Market
Owners of the stalls, pedestrians and I (Person on the phone).


Sitting on the train.
3, Close up shots on my face, then the camera moves to the Stratford (Stadium).
Liverpool St Station


Browsing and purchasing clothes trying to hide the pain from the broken phone call.
Inside a clothing store
Owner of the shop and I





Visuals of me and my mates lip syncing, causally dancing to the music.

Toms Kitchen
My friends




Walking through the forest, by the river.
25, Visuals of nature compliment the song and vibe.




Thursday, September 26, 2019



Seein' you got ritualistic
Cleansin' my soul of addiction for now
'Cause I'm fallin' apart, yeah
Between us just like picket fences
You got issues that I won't mention for now
'Cause we're fallin' apart
Passionate from miles away
Passive with the things you say
Passin' up on my old ways
I can't blame you, no, no
Passionate from miles away
Passive with the things you say
Passin' up on my old ways
I can't blame you, no, no
Harder buildin' trust from a distance
I think we should rule out commitment for now
'Cause we're fallin' apart
You're just doing that to get even
Don't pick up the pieces, just leave it for now
They keep fallin' apart
Passionate from miles away
Passive with the things you say
Passin' up on my old ways
I can't blame you, no, no
Passionate from miles away
Passive with the things you say
Passin' up on my old ways
I can't blame you, no, no
Um, trying to think of the right thing to say

Music Video Shot by Shot Plan

#1 S: 1min 12sec (0-5 seconds). E:1min 17 seconds
Sunrise, time-lapse.
Just a beat with Jumble jam meal drum.
#2 S: 1min 17 sec (5-12 seconds).  E: 1min 29 seconds on the song.
Starting the journey on the train with visuals passing Stratford. Cutting scenes with editing. Lip syncing on the train. Putting a packet cigarettes in the bin.
‘‘Listen, seeing you got ritualistic, cleansin’ my soul of addiction cos im falling apart’’.
#3 S: 1min 29 sec (12- 16 seconds) E: 1min 33 seconds.
Close up of my face looking out the window. With the reflection of the tower blocks.
#4 S: 1min 33 sec(16-29 seconds) E: 1min 46 seconds
Out in the rural, running my hand along some crops, emphasising a psychological break down. Falling to the floor. (close to faded long shot).
‘’yeah, Tension between us like picket fences, you got issues that I won’t mention for now cause we’re falling’ apart’’.
#5 S: 1min 46 sec(29-34 seconds) E: 1min 51 seconds
Walking through London markets. (Low to high shot).
#6 S: 1 min 51 seconds(34-44 seconds) E: 2min 1 seconds
Standing on a hill, staring onto a view over a village/city or countryside, 360 degree shot of me singing with scenery in the background.
‘‘Passionate from miles away
Passive with the things you say
Passin' up on my old ways
I can't blame you, no’’
#7 S: 2min 1sec(44-46seconds) E:2min 3 seconds
Varied shots of the busy markets contrasted by rural areas.
#8 S: 2min 3 sec(46-46seconds) E:2min 3 seconds
Extreme close up me lip syncing.
#9 S: 2min 4 sec (46-50 seconds) E: 2min 8 sec
Me exploring quaint/abandoned building camera being low showing how I am need to the experiences.
#10 S:2min 8sec(50-60) E:2min 18 seconds
Lip syncing through the hustle and bustle of London, acting as if everything is brand new.
‘‘Passionate from miles away
Passive with the things you say
Passin' up on my old ways
I can't blame you, no’’
#11 S: 2min 18 sec(60-63) 2min 21 seconds
Close up visuals of me being on the phone and being upet.
#12 S:2min 21(63-64) E:2min 22 seconds
-head shake-
#12 S: 2min 23 sec(64-83)E:2min 42seconds
Urban surroundings.
#13 S:2min 42 sec (83-96) E:2min 55 sec
Singing into the phone, showing despair, camera close up focused on my face then fades out to show the natural beauty and emphasise love for surrounding’s not a girl
Harder buildin' trust from a distance
I think we should rule out commitment for now
'Cause we're fallin' apart’’
#14 S: 2min 55 sec (96-100) E: 2min 59 sec
Various visuals of rural surroundings.
#15 S:2min 59 sec (100-113) E: 3min 12 seconds
A girl walking away from me with me saying ‘where are you going in slow motion. With a medium shot.
You're just doing that to get even
Don't pick up the pieces, just leave it for now
They keep fallin' apart’’.
#16 S:3min 12 sec (113-117) E: 3min 16 seconds
Close up shot of my face against a black background.
#17 S:3min 16 sec (117-128) E: 3min 27 sec
A rose flower is in my hand with me looking down peeling of each petal, a close-up video of each petal then it focuses on my face.
‘‘Passionate from miles away
Passive with the things you say
Passin' up on my old ways
I can't blame you, no,’’.
#18 S:3min 27 sec (128-130) E: 3min 29sec
Switch back to me exposed to the elements.
#19 S:3min 29 sec (130-131) E: 3min 30 sec
Shaking of the head extreme close up.
#20 S: 3min 30 sec (131-135) E: 3min 34
Panoramic view of scenery, coastline.
#21 S:3min 34 (135-145) E: 3min 44sec

‘’Passionate from miles away
Passive with the things you say
Passin' up on my old ways
I can't blame you, no’’.
#22 S: 3min 44sec (145-147) E:3min 46 sec

#23 S: 3min 46 (147-148) E: 3min 47 sec.

#24 S: 3min 47 sec (148-152) E: 3min 51 sec

#25 S: 3min 51 sec (152-183) E: 4min 22 sec
Slow motion me walking and dancing looking at my phone and dropping it.
(darker beat)

Website Final